If you need to query large amounts of traffic to a specific destination, you’ll be considering ‘on-boarding’ the numbering data yourself to deliver the benefits of fixed monthly fees, low latency, improved margin and increased customisation to your requirements. However, this also brings some challenges:

  • Acquiring the database(s) with all the associated commercial, privacy and regulatory requirements
  • Skills required, and associated costs for on-boarding the data feed
  • Skills required and associated costs of the large team for ‘maintaining’ the data feed and multiple sources and formats of data
  • Platform costs for hosting the data and supporting the high performance needs of the query application
Managed Services by XConnect

Key Benefits

Managed Services by XConnect

Fixed monthly database fees

Managed Services by XConnect

Capacity based platform fees

Managed Services by XConnect

Service substitution

Managed Services by XConnect

24/7 x 365 support

Managed Services by XConnect

Product customisation

Managed Services by XConnect

Dedicated cloud implementation

Managed Services by XConnect

Customer ‘own-data’ on-boarding

Get in touch

Alternatively, get in touch.

We aim to respond to all enquiries within 72 hours.

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